Is the mission of the church preaching the Gospel or doing Social Justice? Is that a false dichotomy? We attempt to settle the argument.
Jesus comes as king to Jerusalem and predicts his death just a few days later.
The King is coming. How will you use the gifts he has given you?
Jesus invites us to always pray and never give up because our heavenly Father will hear and answer.
In a time of polarisation how can we live in harmony with those who are different from us? In his parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector Jesus diagnoses…
Following Jesus may cost you everything, but it's worth it.
Jesus' three famous parables - the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, the Lost Sons - teach that God searches for us and welcomes us home.
Jesus teaches that suffering is not the result of sin. But it is wake up call and an opportunity to turn to God.
We serve, only after the pattern of the God who humbly serves us and who invites us to eat at his table.