Welcome to St George’s Battery Point

8am Holy Communion

A traditional Anglican service with Holy Communion each week. Join us for reflective worship in a warm and welcoming community.

10am All Age worship

A warm and vibrant Anglican service with Kids Church followed by morning tea. Join us for joyful worship in a diverse and welcoming community of all ages and stages of life. We share Holy Communion each week, except the first Sunday of the month.

If you can’t make it in person, you can join our 10am service on Zoom. Click the link below.

Meeting ID: 634-174-6799.
You can download Zoom here.

You can also visit one of our weekly Bible Study groups.

You may like to listen to our catalogue of sermons.
Follow us on Facebook.

If you would like support (spiritual, emotional or practical) at this time please call or email us.

We’re delighted that you’ve dropped in to visit. Feel free to explore our site.

At St George’s we come from many different backgrounds. Kids, youth, and seniors; people who live in the city and those from the suburbs; some who are students, others who are workers; families and singles, people from overseas and interstate.

The thing we have in common is our desire to know God and to be known by him, through faith in Jesus Christ. St George’s offers a loving community with a vital faith that is grounded in biblical Christianity and framed in the rich heritage of classical orthodox Anglicanism.

Our Mission

We exist to see people
Drawn to the Light of Christ
Transformed by the Light of Christ
and Sent out to shine the Light of Christ

We’d love to hear from you so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on 03 6223 2146 or [email protected] or check  Facebook.