You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
Questions of "Who am I?" and "Where do I belong?" are key to our humanity. This sermon explores how in Baptism and the Church God gives us an answer.
Because Jesus is fully human, like us in every way, yet without sin, he shows us how to be human. But more than that, because he is fully human, his saving work touches every part of our humanity.
Who are we as human beings? Do we matter? This series explores what it means to be human. Right from page 1, the Bible asserts the infinite dignity and worth of every person by declaring we are all made in the image of God. This is the genesis of the idea of universal human rights.
The final 4 chapters of Samuel explore the relationship between God's sovereign rule over history and the responsibility of human rulers to administer justice. They also touch on the cost of reconciliation between warring parties.
2 Samuel 13 is one of the most distressing chapters in the Bible as it tells the story of David's son Amnon raping his half sister Tamar. Her brother Absalom tells her to be silent, but her story is recorded in God's Word, to give voice to all who like her have been silenced, and so that we not turn a blind eye to sexual assault, but work to build safe communities. This sermon comes with a content warning.
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the Comforter. We explore how God comforts us by the personal presence of Holy Spirit with us.
2 Samuel 12 and Psalm 51 give us a picture of how to repent when we sin. We also get a window into David's grief at the death of his son.
In this famous episode David falls spectacularly, committing adultery with Bathsheba and then trying to cover up what he has done by orchestrating her husband Uriah's murder. It's what men so often do, use their power for sexual conquest. But as we read 2 Samuel 11, we're also invited to consider the dynamics of temptation and transgression in our own lives.