A man in dire distress from demonic powers is rescued by Jesus. In doing so, Jesus forces the demonic powers to reveal that their end is death and destruction, but…
In Luke 7 John the Baptist is confused by who Jesus is, and many in the crowd are more than confused, they’re nonresponsive to his claims. But Jesus is himself…
We are accustomed as Christians to believing that the Incarnation means that Jesus became a man and lived in our world. But his ministry demonstrated what that incarnation was for:…
When Jesus took Peter and his partners fishing, he did so in their minds as a teacher and healer, but the catch of fish illustrated that Jesus was to call…
Luke records the testimony of Jesus about how he joined in battle with Satan, not by might or power, but by the word of God, just as we must each…
Luke records Jesus, even at 12 years old, as a young man of mature obedience to his heavenly Father, and a growing understanding of the path he will walk as…
Psalm 2 makes the bold claim that God reigns through his anointed king in Jerusalem. We see how this Psalm finds fulfilment in Jesus and what it means for us…
The final chapters of 1 Samuel recount the tragic end of Israel's first king. Saul is plagued by pride and insecurity. In contrast, in great distress, David finds strength in…
"Do not repay evil for evil. Live at peace with everyone. Don't take revenge." Paul wrote these words to the Christians in Rome, but they could just as well apply…
Let us follow the life of David on the run and how he shows himself more and more to be Israel's true King.