
Victor Shaw preaching at church
In advent we look forward to the return of Christ to judge the world. The reality of the day of judgement is, paradoxically, the healing balm we need in a…
Sent Out to Shine the Light of Christ.
How can people change? We gaze upon Christ, growing more like him to be secure, humble and generous children of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
As a church God calls us to offer a warm welcome that invites people to meet Jesus. We look the hospitality of Abraham, Rublev's famous icon, and what this looks…
Jesus is the Light of the World that no darkness can overcome. He calls us as St George's to be the Light on the Hill in Hobart.
What does the judged life look like? How can we know if we’re under God’s blessing, or judgement? Today we meet Jesus the impartial but patient judge, as we think…
The three lost parables of Jesus are a masterclass in understanding the depth of God’s amazing grace towards those who seek his love and forgiveness.
In Luke 14 Jesus challenges those who would follow him to evaluate the cost of being His disciple, against the cost of not following him.
Gospel growth comes by hearing the word of God, in a spiritually hostile environment and in the context of pressures and cares of this world, but in receptive hearts it…
Who is Jesus to you? Is he the one who brings justice and division, or is he the one who endures a brutal death to cleanse you, that you might…
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