
Victor Shaw preaching at church

Naboth’s Vineyard

February 25, 2024
The ancient story of Jezebel arranging Naboth's murder in order to steal his vineyard has powerful insights for Christians as we grapple with the legacy of colonization in Australia.
Turning water into the most delicious wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which Jesus revealed his glory, and his disciples believed…

Money: As Servant

February 11, 2024
God provides for us, so that we can be generous and share with those in need.

Money – As Master

February 4, 2024
Jesus says you can't serve both God and Money. This sermon explores how money is a bad master, and how the love of money can damage ourselves and others. We…
What is being a Christian all about? The apostle John says basically 2 things - believing that Jesus is the Christ, and loving one another. God assures us of his…
1 John’s 4th chapter teaches the church to discern the truth about Jesus in the face of false teaching and false spirits, with an encouragement to see love as the…
The apostle John summarises the Christian faith as this: to believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another, just as he commanded. John 3:11-24 explores what it…
What are the threats to the Christian life and how can you keep going as loved children of God?
How do you hold a high moral standard, keep people to account, while also providing a way back when people fall? The apostle John answers this question (and more!) in…
In a broken and divided world we need joy from beyond the walls of this world.
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