
Victor Shaw preaching at church
Who do you say Jesus is?
Every culture has customs and beliefs about what makes you clean or dirty. We explore the spiritual and social dimensions of this and how Jesus both cleanses our hearts and…
Jesus satisfies our deepest hunger and calms our deepest fears.
Herod’s conflict with John the Baptist could be seen as a particularly bad moment in church and state relations. What does it teach us today?
In a modern, scientific age, how do we deal with accounts of the supernatural and miracles in the Bible? In Mark chapter 5 Jesus shows he has power over the…
How do we cultivate the soil in our own hearts and lives, and as a church, to become good soil?  How do we experience and grow the Kingdom of God?
3 sets of choices with 3 very different outcomes - good, bad, disastrous.
The Kingdom of God is more gritty, more surprising and it is full of more grace than you ever imagined.
Who is Jesus? What does it mean to follow him? And who wrote the Gospel of Mark anyway?
Story telling is a very important way of passing on information in different cultures, and “It is not your ability that counts, it is your availability. It is then that…
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