In Jesus' trial we see humanity on trial. Jesus is found innocent, but we are found guilty. With Barabbas we see a clear picture of what his death accomplishes. The…

The Way of the King

Jesus' arrest in Matthew's gospel really invites us to look closely at Judas' betrayal in contrast to how Jesus was submitting to the Father's will, and how Jesus exhibits control…
In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus faced a mighty contest between the spirit and the flesh, between saying “Yes” or “No” to God’s will. Hebrews says he is our great…
“Why is this night different from all other nights?” (the question asked by the youngest child in a Passover meal) when Moses gave the initial instructions for the Passover, at…
In this arresting moment Mary pours expensive perfume on Jesus head at a dinner party. Her lavish act of devotion asks us the question, what is Jesus worth to us?
In Proverbs 30 we read pray that God give us neither poverty nor riches but only our daily bread. Jesus warns we cannot serve both God and money. This sermon…

What is prayer?

In the third and final sermon Jackie asks what can we learn about prayer in the book of Job? She demonstrates that when all is said and done, one of…