Henry Baldwin Lecture

The St George’s Henry Baldwin Lecture takes place during the winter solstice week each year and aims to provide a thoughtful, timely and challenging contribution to public conversation that highlights the contribution Christian theology can offer to build a healthy society.

Watch here for confirmation of our 2025 lecture date. Meanwhile, catch up on previous lectures below.

Previous Lectures

Watch our 2024 lecture, Rediscovering Hope: How did we lose it? How can we get it back? (Dr Leisa Aitken)

Watch our 2023 lecture, A Secular Comedy: Spirituality and Christianity in Contemporary Australia (Natasha Moore)

Watch our 2022 lecture, Is there no balm in Gilead? Truth-Telling, Lament and Healing, a conversation (Greg Lehman & Tim McCormack)

Watch our 2021 lecture, Taking Wrongs Seriously: The possibility and pain of apology (Dr Michael Jensen)

Listen to our 2019 lecture, Loneliness and the Search for the Self (Dave Taylor)

About Henry Baldwin

Henry Baldwin (1919-2007) was a lifelong parishioner of St George’s and a generous benefactor to the church. St George’s is launching this annual lecture in honour of his contribution. We’re convinced Christian theology can help us navigate life in our time. The lecture aims to provide a thoughtful contribution to our public discourse. Join the conversation.