Who do you say Jesus is?
Jesus satisfies our deepest hunger and calms our deepest fears.
How do we cultivate the soil in our own hearts and lives, and as a church, to become good soil? How do we experience and grow the Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God is more gritty, more surprising and it is full of more grace than you ever imagined.
Who is Jesus? What does it mean to follow him? And who wrote the Gospel of Mark anyway?
What we hope for shapes how we experience the present. The Gospel calls us to hope in God and his promise of glory and so in the power of the…
What time is it? How we understand history and eternity shapes how we live in the present. The season of advent reminds us that we live between the first and…
How can we have hope for justice in a world of disappointment?
In his novel The Plague, Albert Camus says that our common human experience is one of suffering and exile longing for love. Through Jesus' reconciling work on the cross, God brings us exiles home.
"Believe in yourself!" "You can do it!" we're told. But what happens when you can't? When you're broken and in despair? hear God's words of comfort in 2 Corinthians 1.