What is the good news that we proclaim?
Jesus calls his people to be the Light of the World through their good deeds.
The prayer for the 4th Sunday in Advent asks for God's grace to help us run with perseverance the race marked out before us.
The Old Testament word "shalom" is so much richer than the English translation "peace". Jesus is the great peacemaker but in a surprising way...
In advent we look forward to the return of Christ to judge the world. The reality of the day of judgement is, paradoxically, the healing balm we need in a…
"The most dangerous idea in human history and philosophy remains the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and rose from the dead." Peter Hitchens.
Why is Good Friday good? Amidst the voices of the world, the voice of Jesus rings clear on Good Friday, that we ourselves might be comforted by his death in…
We live in volatile and uncertain times which can leave us feeling worried, anxious, and stressed. How can we experience God's peace in the midst of challenging circumstances and troubled…
If we are followers of Jesus, we need to be faithful and persevere no matter what obstacles get in our way.
If we just have wisdom and money and faith, but not love, then it means nothing. Only through loving like our God loves, and allowing him to empower us to…