
June 30, 2024
The Old Testament word "shalom" is so much richer than the English translation "peace". Jesus is the great peacemaker but in a surprising way...

Peace in Troubled Times

October 16, 2022
We live in volatile and uncertain times which can leave us feeling worried, anxious, and stressed. How can we experience God's peace in the midst of challenging circumstances and troubled…
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Even amongst Christians this is a difficult Gospel truth to believe in. Yet we have so much written historical evidence from secular sources as…
What we hope for shapes how we experience the present. The Gospel calls us to hope in God and his promise of glory and so in the power of the…
In his novel The Plague, Albert Camus says that our common human experience is one of suffering and exile longing for love. Through Jesus' reconciling work on the cross, God brings us exiles home.