God calls us to partner in his mission to the world through our finances.
God provides for us, so that we can be generous and share with those in need.
Jesus says you can't serve both God and Money. This sermon explores how money is a bad master, and how the love of money can damage ourselves and others. We…
Throughout the Bible God's intention for his people is that they be generous, reflecting his own generous love for us
In Proverbs 30 we read pray that God give us neither poverty nor riches but only our daily bread. Jesus warns we cannot serve both God and money. This sermon…
Rather than being anxious, how can we be content with what God has given us? Generous: the Bible on Wealth, part 2.
Cultivating thankfulness is an antidote to the temptation to entitlement. Part 1 of Generous: the Bible on Wealth.
Jesus confronts us on wealth and injustice, while at the same time offering hope for the hopeless.
Jesus challenges us to not put our hope in wealth, but instead to be generous.