The final 4 chapters of Samuel explore the relationship between God's sovereign rule over history and the responsibility of human rulers to administer justice. They also touch on the cost of reconciliation between warring parties.
David's care of Mephibosheth embodies God's character of loving-kindness. He gives a model for care and inclusion of those with disabilities. We catch a glimpse of what the Kingdom of God looks like.

Naboth’s Vineyard

February 25, 2024
The ancient story of Jezebel arranging Naboth's murder in order to steal his vineyard has powerful insights for Christians as we grapple with the legacy of colonization in Australia.

Money – As Master

February 4, 2024
Jesus says you can't serve both God and Money. This sermon explores how money is a bad master, and how the love of money can damage ourselves and others. We…

Divine Reversal

December 25, 2021
2021 has been a year of listening to women's voices on justice. The Magnificat is Mary's song of justice and hope.