Jesus is king David's long awaited son, his kingdom is the everlasting kingdom promised in 2 Samuel 7.
David becomes king, makes Jerusalem his capital and brings the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, but all is not well as he has presumed to treat God how he likes, rather than follow God's word, and at home he faces domestic conflict.
David lament at the loss of his friend Jonathan offers a window into the common experience of grief and loss.
If Jesus really did rise from the dead, then he provides the comfort and hope we need in this world of conflict and death. He is the truth we can surrender to.
Karl Barth writes, "in its root and origin sin is the arrogance in which a man wants to be his own and his neighbour’s judge." On the cross, the only one who truly is the Judge was judged in our place so that we might receive his forgiveness.
Jesus' healing of a man born blind is a window into the question of spiritual blindness. So often we think we can see but our pride makes us blind to…
God provides for us, so that we can be generous and share with those in need.
Jesus says you can't serve both God and Money. This sermon explores how money is a bad master, and how the love of money can damage ourselves and others. We…
What is being a Christian all about? The apostle John says basically 2 things - believing that Jesus is the Christ, and loving one another. God assures us of his…
The apostle John summarises the Christian faith as this: to believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another, just as he commanded. John 3:11-24 explores what it…