What is the mind? Is it the same thing as the soul? ... Our fundamental question is this: Of what does the human being most basically consist? A body and a soul? Or just a body?
Who are we as human beings? Do we matter? This series explores what it means to be human. Right from page 1, the Bible asserts the infinite dignity and worth of every person by declaring we are all made in the image of God. This is the genesis of the idea of universal human rights.
The Old Testament word "shalom" is so much richer than the English translation "peace". Jesus is the great peacemaker but in a surprising way...
The apostle John summarises the Christian faith as this: to believe in God's Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another, just as he commanded. John 3:11-24 explores what it…
In advent we look forward to the return of Christ to judge the world. The reality of the day of judgement is, paradoxically, the healing balm we need in a…
Sent Out to Shine the Light of Christ.
As a church God calls us to offer a warm welcome that invites people to meet Jesus. We look the hospitality of Abraham, Rublev's famous icon, and what this looks…
A sermon for the coronation of King Charles III
"The most dangerous idea in human history and philosophy remains the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and rose from the dead." Peter Hitchens.