If you’re aged 12-18, join us for Youth on Sundays during school terms. Youth stay in church to hear the sermon, then head out to the garden or the Rectory (weather depending) with their leaders to talk about the sermon, life and God and to pray. Every 4th Sunday youth stay in the whole service to participate in Holy Communion.
We also partner with Crossroads Presbyterian Church whose youth groups KidsZone (Prep-Grade 5 | 3:30-6pm) and XYZ (Grades 6-12 | 6:30-8:30pm) meet in the St George’s hall each Friday during term time.
We take children’s safety seriously
At St George’s we value the safety of children and young people. Therefore, as part of our Safe Church Communities accreditation process, prior to commencement all Kids Church and youth leaders are required to be screened, trained and committed to Faithfulness in Service (our code of conduct) and the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework.