
Victor Shaw preaching at church
  • Rev Canon Victor Shaw

    Rector | Priest in Charge

    Victor started at St George’s as the Kids and Family Minister in 2013 and became the Rector in 2016. He’s married to Claire and they have four kids, William, Tristan, Imogen and Beatrix. He enjoys history, film, fantasy fiction and good conversation over Hobart’s great coffee. Maybe it’s due to his growing up as a missionary kid in PNG, but he loves puzzling over culture and helping people see how the good news of Jesus speaks to them.

    Victor’s day off is Friday.

    Victor Shaw
  • Amy Maskell

    Operations Manager

    Amy started at St George’s in 2019. She is married to Andrew and they have two children, Harriet and Henry. Andrew works with the University Fellowship of Christians at the Hobart campus and also co-ordinates events for CMS Tasmania. They are both passionate about endeavouring to serving Christ with all of their life.

    Amy loves putting in place and maintaining systems that help people thrive in knowing God. She also enjoys thinking about vision and creating communities.

    As well as our administration and building hire, Amy also handles our finances and can help with any finance questions you might have in conjunction with our treasurer.

    Our office is open 9:15am-5pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays.

    Amy Maskell