Deeper Conversations is a space to have the conversations we’re not having about the deeper issues that confront and divide us in the context of hospitality and friendship. Everything is on the table. Each person is valued.
Deeper Conversations resumes 15 July 2024 following our Baldwin Lecture.
The St George’s Rectory is 28 Cromwell St, Battery Point (next to church).
Complete the form here to register your interest in joining Deeper Conversations.
Our current format is a book club where we read and engage with a book that grapples with matters of life and society. Our next books The Shattering of Loneliness by Erik Varden.
Previously at Deeper Conversations we’ve read and discussed Making Sense of God by Tim Keller, On Identity, by Stan Grant, and On the Road with Saint Augustine: A Real-World Spirituality for Restless Hearts, by James K.A. Smith, Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace, by Miroslav Volf.
For more information contact Rev. Canon Victor Shaw ([email protected] | 0424 230 579).