
Everyone has questions about life, meaning, God and faith. Alpha is a place for people to ask questions, to hear each others stories and to explore the Christian faith.

Alpha is an 8-week course (plus one Saturday) exploring the basics of the Christian faith.  Alpha is run all around the world and is open to everyone and anyone. You don’t have to be a Christian attend. There is no pressure to keep attending if you find it’s not for you.

Every Alpha session begins with dessert followed by a short video then a discussion about what was on the video. You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, you are welcome to just listen to the discussion or take part and ask any questions you have without judgment.

We’ve just finished our most recent Alpha. If you’d like to do Alpha with us and for more information about future courses, please contact
Victor Shaw 0424 230 579 | [email protected]